It is still that time of year here in Australia where bugs are going around and around. 
My little guy has been fighting something on and off for around 8 weeks now. Sniffly with a cough for a couple of days, then fine. Sniffly again a few days later, then fine. 
His poor little body finally got tired of fending it off and he is not well. My little girl just had her 4 month old immunizations and is also running a slight fever. 
Keeping track of their temperatures and if any medication was given was getting a bit tricky. My little piece of paper that I usually keep on the kitchen bench wasn’t working, or kept getting thrown out by accident as it didn’t look like anything but a piece of scrap paper. So I hunted for something online to help keep track and stay more organised.
I did find a Medicine Checklist printable from Everything Mom – it’s great if you need something a little more detailed if your child is on more than one medication or has set times medication needs to be taken {like with a meal, etc}. I will be keeping this on file in case I ever need it!
But I really just needed something simple and easy. I couldn’t find anything! So I made one up and thought I’d share it for anyone else looking for something similar. Since I’m tracking the two kiddos temperatures I thought it would be oh so helpful to have them both on the same page, instead of a separate page for each.
Just download it and print it out and ta-dah! Just something to help us out as we all know that life can get pretty hectic {and super tiring} when they are not well.
It looks like this:
You can download from here:
If you end up needing this, I hope your little one{s} get well again soon.